
I’ll Take My Cherry Garcia with Breast Milk, Please

Yesterday everybody’s favorite animal loving/people hating group, PETA, sent a letter to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company, requesting that they please replace the cow’s milk in their ice cream with human breast milk. While I’ve never been a fan of PETA (the “Your Daddy is a Murderer” campaign clinched the deal for me ages ago) and this is obviously just another of their outrageous cries for attention, the most traumatizing part of the letter is that it refers to a restaurant in Switzerland which boasts menu items “made with at least 75 percent breast milk procured from human donors who are paid in exchange for their milk”. I’m sorry but ew. Again, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

A part of me needed to know more about this Storchen Restaurant so I googled it and what do you know? The Swiss government shut them down almost a week ago due to the fact that "Humans are not on the list of authorised milk suppliers such as cows or sheep." But wait a minute-this article was released on a Swiss news web site on September 18th and the letter PETA sent to Ben & Jerry’s is dated September 23rd. Looks like somebody didn’t do their homework…or maybe telling half truths is what PETA is all about after all.


Unknown said...

Just an observation about your profile: "This past summer I married the best Spanish man in the entire country". It's true, I've seen it with my own eyes. He's monisssimo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Really... what is up with that? I've been a vegetarian for 18 years, but you gotta take PETA with a ridiculously large grain of salt.

I made a lj feed for your journal, if anyone else cares. :)